When you obtain insurance such as homeowners insurance, car insurance, travel insurance or medical insurance, you are planning for the worst. When an emergency hits, you believe you can take comfort in the knowledge that your insurance policies will protect you financially. However, what happens if your insurance policy is denied, or you are advised by your insurance company that certain aspects of your policy are not applicable?
Our experienced team of lawyers provide advice on insurance policies and have decades of experience negotiating with insurance adjusters. If a matter cannot be resolved, our lawyers are prepared to litigate on your behalf to ensure you recover your losses in a timely manner.
Our areas of insurance litigation include:
Insurance is there to protect you. If your insurance company denies your claim however you do not always have to accept their decision. We will advocate on your behalf to make sure you are paid out in accordance with the coverage you have paid for. We are familiar with the methods insurance companies regularly use to dispute claims and deny benefits. We will look at your matter objectively, and use our experience to benefit you and ensure a fair outcome. Remember, your policy is there for you. The policy you paid for should provide protection when you need it.
General Litigation